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History of 'Antioxidant Action of Moringa oleifera Lam. (Drumstick) Against Antitubular Drugs Induced Lipid Peroxidation in Rats'

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Author(s): Kumar NA, L Pari
Published in: Journal of Medicinal Food.   Jan 1, 2003
6 3 255-259

The leaves of the Moringa oleifera are of much nutritional value to humans. In order to test the possibility of the leaves treating liver disease, a study was completed with Wistar rats at Rajah Muthiah Medical College in India.

The experiment began with the collection of fresh Moringa leaves which were then extracted with ethanol. The participants, male Wistar rats, were then divided into six groups of six. Each group was given a different percentage of the extract per their body weight, with the first group recieving no extract.

Researchers found that the extract lowers several chemicals within the rats including liver lipids. It does, however, simultaneously enhance antioxidants within the rat.

This is the current summary

Author(s): Kumar NA, L Pari
Published in: Journal of Medicinal Food.   Oct 16, 2008
6 3 255-259

The leaves of the Moringa oleifera are of much nutritional value to humans. In order to test the possibility of the leaves treating liver disease, a study was completed with Wistar rats at Rajah Muthiah Medical College in India.

The experiment began with the collection of fresh Moringa leaves which were then extracted with ethanol. The participants, male Wistar rats, were then divided into six groups of six. Each group was given a different percentage of the extract per their body weight, with the first group recieving no extract.

Researchers found that the extract lowers several chemicals within the rats including liver lipids. It does, however, simultaneously enhance antioxidants within the rat.

Set to this revision Revision: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 15:03:37 +0000

Author(s): Kumar NA, L Pari
Published in: Journal of Medicinal Food.   Oct 16, 2008
6 3 255-259

Current summary based on abstract only.

The effects of Moringa oleifera extract on rats were tested in this experiment. Researchers found that the extract lowers several chemicals within the rats including liver lipids. It does, however, simultaneously enhance antioxidants within the rat.

Set to this revision Revision: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 10:38:19 +0000

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