Moringa Wiki

Moringa information that anyone can write and edit.

Welcome to the Moringa Wiki, a growing collection of articles on everything related to Moringa. Anyone can create or edit any article, so we can all work together to build a store of knowledge.

History of 'Intensive Cultivation of Moringa'


To grow a large amount of Moringa green matter (leaves and green stems), techniques have been developed for growing Moringa intensively. The seeds are planted relatively close together so that a large number of trees can grow on a small amount of land. With Irrigation and Fertilization A spa...

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To grow a large amount of Moringa green matter (leaves and green stems), techniques have been developed for growing Moringa intensively. The seeds are planted relatively close together so that a large number of trees can grow on a small amount of land. With Irrigation and Fertilization A spa...

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Set to this revision Revision: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 15:25:08 +0000


To grow a large amount of Moringa green matter (leaves and green stems), techniques have been developed for growing Moringa intensively. The seeds are planted relatively close together so that a large number of trees can grow on a small amount of land. With Irrigation and Fertilization A spa...

Created article

Set to this revision Revision: Tue, 09 Dec 2008 12:41:32 +0000

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