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History of 'Energy and micronutrient composition of dietary and medicinal wild plants consumed during drought. Study of rural Fulani in Northeastern Nigeria'

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Author(s): Lockett CT, CC Calvert, LE Grivetti
Published in: International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.   Jun 20, 2000
51 1 195-208

Northeastern Nigeria is home to the Fulani people. Two of the settled villages in which they live are Amtasa and Dongo. Authors of this article aimed to evaluate the nutritional value of the edible plants in the region.

The main author of this paper was escorted through both villages by two assistant/translators. He spoke with small groups of elderly villagers who were knowledgable of the edible plants within a five mile radius of each village, during his visit. Once a comprehensive list of such plants was created, households in each village were surveyed as to their usage of each plant. Within Amtasa two hundred and fifty households were surveyed, while in Dongo there were merely one hundred households which participated.

The plants which were used in the survey were then taken to the laboratory to be studied further. After such investigations into the nutritional values of each, researchers found that several plants provided a large amount of nutrition to those who ate it. The Moringa oleifera, for example, was found to contain protein, fat, calcium, copper, iron and zinc.

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