Moringa oleifera for Cattle Fodder and Plant Growth

Call for Studies

Moringa oleifera for Cattle Fodder and Plant Growth

Two recent studies in Nicaragua determined that:

  1. Adding Moringa oleifera leaves and green stems to fodder increased cattle’s daily weight gain up to 32% and increased their milk production 43-65%.
  2. A plant-growth spray made from Moringa oleifera leaves increased crop production 20-35%.

If even a fraction of these results could be reproduced in the field, it would be a great boon to people in developing countries. This possibility needs to be investigated further and various aspects examined before the concept can be popularized. Trees for Life would like to help promote and foster such research.

Background information on this subject can be found in the documents linked below.

Call for Studies

If any research institutions, farmers or ranchers in your country are interested in investigating the potential of Moringa leaves to improve food production, then Trees for Life could be of service in the following ways:

If you know of anyone who may be interested in performing such research, they may contact us directly.

Backgound documents

Trees for Life Journal